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Savvatogennimenes (TV Series 2003–2004)

Savvatogennimenes (TV Series 2003–2004)

Savvatogennimenes (TV Series 2003–2004)

Savvatogennimenes (TV Series 2003–2004)


Description: Savvatogennimenes: With Eleni Randou, Katiana Balanika, Rania Schiza, Sakis Boulas. Sakis Boulas plays a man who wins a great amount of money but has a car crash before he receives it. As a result, he gets amnesia and doesn’t remember anything, not even his own name. However, his three ex-wives learn about the money and start playing nice with him in order to claim everything for themselves…

Trailer ↗

Greece 2003 2004 Comedy